A photographic collaboration by Stephanie Wynne and women from Wirral Change.
The group came together during 2018 to mark and celebrate the centenary of the crucial point in British history when some women achieved the vote.They researched and discussed historical and contemporary issues that impact upon women, such as education, health and employment.
From this dialogue Stephanie and the women have interpreted through photographs some of the critical personal moments of change in each of the women’s lives - to mirror that pivotal national moment on the 21st November 1918.
The work displays different responses to the concept of Transformative Moments. Stephanie, after extensive discourse with the group, produced the exhibition as a reaction to their testimonies and to reflect each woman’s individuality.
The photographs give a small glimpse into the lives of these women and how they have dealt with life altering events, made decisions for change or placed themselves within the context of equality.
Their life experiences bear witness to their tenacity, positivity and good humour.
This project is a co-commission by Williamson Art Gallery Birkenhead, the Open Eye Gallery and Tate Gallery Liverpool