Grounded by Stephanie Wynne
Stephanie was approrached by the GroundsWell consortium to collaborate with communities in receipt of the Community Innovation Fund to produce work for an exhibition highlighting research into green and blue spaces.
GroundsWell research is mainly in three cities—Belfast, Edinburgh, and Liverpool. These cities are similar in some ways but also have unique features that make them good case studies. Although each city already has programs to improve green spaces, there's still room for improvement, which is where GroundsWell steps in. We work closely with communities to understand how the cities work, identify any issues, and find ways to fix or improve them. They also focus on preventing problems by planning changes that will enhance how green spaces are used and managed, both in policies and in the daily lives of community members.
Stephanie constructed pictures to portray different aspects of each project and location by playing with perspective and details.
'Having physical contact with and being aware of the details of the natural environment -contemplating and experiencing what surrounds us - being in green and blue spaces keeps us 'Grounded' Being connected to what is beneath your feet, whether plants, earth or water, helps stabilise your physical and mental health.'
The pictures have been created with the collaboration of group members some including the words, photographs and artworks of the participants.
The work was shown in 2024 at the Open Eye Gallery and the Royal College of Physicians Liverpool. In 2025 it is scheduled for exhibition in Edinburgh.